Chair Guest User Chair Guest User

Scott Alspach

Fellow 43rd District Democrats, I’m excited to announce that I will be running for Chair at our reorganization meeting on January 15th, and I hope to have your support!

Ever since my first 43rd meeting I have been awed by the hard work, knowledge, and passion of 43rd members advocating for our shared progressive goals. You all did amazing work both in taking back the State Senate in 2017 and in supporting the massive blue wave we saw this past November. I can’t wait to see what happens in our 2019 session because of these efforts.

As Chair, my goal is to empower all of our members to lobby your elected officials, organize your neighbors, and support candidates who share our values here in the 43rd as well as across both our state and the entire country. After our pivotal wins in 2018, we need to keep up the pressure to enact a progressive agenda that matches our platform in Olympia, and my focus will be on creating a 43rd that best amplifies your voice.

Some of the more specific goals I have are to:

  • Provide every member of the 43rd with the knowledge and the tools needed to be an effective and impactful activist.

  • Establish a Diversity and Inclusion Committee and develop a robust Code of Conduct that ensures all members feel welcome organizing in the 43rd.

  • Ensure our board is transparent and accountable to our membership.

  • Register voters and focus our efforts on maintaining the high turnout we saw in the 43rd in 2018.

  • Create strong partnerships with local groups doing organizing that aligns with our goals.

I am excited to share more about the vision that I and others have for the 43rd in the coming days, but I also know that vision is not yet complete.

Beyond your support at our reorganization meeting on January 15th, I also need your ideas and continued energy to help make the 43rd the strongest and most active local party organization in the state. I can be reached at, and look forward to hearing from you!

During my time as Vice Chair for Membership I have learned so much from each of you, and I’m eager to put that knowledge to work in order to continue to build a 43rd District Democrats organization that gives back to our community, advocates for our values, and gets out the vote in the pivotal 2019 and 2020 election cycles.

I also want to take a moment to thank Alexa Halling for her leadership as chair these past few months, as it is my understanding she will be moving onto other opportunities in 2019.

Thank you for your support and continued activism, there’s lots for us to do come 2019!

-Scott Alspach

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