
In addition to the Platform, our organization passes resolutions that are more specific to issues happening in our communities.

Proposing Resolutions

How do I submit a resolution?

Pursuant to our bylaws, resolutions must be submitted no later than two weeks before the meeting at which they are to be heard, and emailed to and

Do I have to be a member to submit a resolution?

Yes. All members - voting and non-voting - may submit resolutions for consideration. 

What happens after I submit my resolution?

That depends. Resolutions that appear to "endorse" a person or campaign are out of order, and will not be considered. The Chair may make suggestions regarding the resolution. Ultimately, resolutions must be posted at least 10 days prior to a meeting to be considered as "timely." So the earlier a resolution is submitted, the more time there is to fine-tune before publishing. 

What happens if a resolution is not published?

Publishing may include posting to the website or including in an email to members. If this does not happen, for whatever reason, the resolution will not be considered as a "timely" resolution. 

What if I have a resolution that is timely on an issue, but not timely submitted or published?

Resolutions from the floor may be considered so long as (a) they are submitted in writing to the Chair prior to the meeting (tip: please submit to the Secretary, in Word format, as well), and (b) fifty (50) paper copies are brought to the meeting for consideration. In the event these two processes are both met, then 2/3 of present and voting members must agree to consider a resolution before debate on the resolution, and possible vote, may be considered.